Great anticipation of the second bioSASH hackathon

The upcoming hackathon looks into the challenges of four different lab users with various topics and issues.

Have you ever heard about the dexterous robot hand from Shadow Robot Ltd.? The working group deals with critical lab tasks and prepared a challenge that you should not miss if you are interested in that field of lab automation.


Michal Kramarczyk is Senior Robotics Software Engineer at Shadow Robot and introduce you the fascinating dexterous robot hand which you can try to control. Radhika Gudipati is Business Development Manager for Shadow Robot. Both are part of the bioSASH project and represent the longest running robotics company in the UK.


„At Shadow Robot, we always had Lab Robotics in our radar while we were working our way in other markets (e.g., remote engineering, nuclear, etc.) too. We are currently involved in an R&D funded project where we are automating isolator tasks in vaccine/drug manufacturing working with a big pharmaceutical giant based in Belgium. BioLAGO-SiLA is providing us a platform to learn further about the automation challenges in the laboratory space from different stakeholders and that is my key motivation to take part in the hackathon.“


Asking the question what is desired for the upcoming hackathon Radhika replied: „While the ultimate goal is to develop as much awareness as possible about ‚How robots can help with laboratory automation?‘ within the lab community, we wish that the BioLAGO-SiLA hackathons offer us the opportunity to understand the eagerness of the lab automation enthusiasts in jumping into robotics space. This is also an avenue to learn about the existing platforms in laboratory and how we go about integrating Shadow’s technology into the current/future labs.

Mobile Robotics in lab automation is the topic most of the registered participants are interested in. See how automation with mobile robots in the lab work and participate in a real mobile robotic challenge with Adam Wolf from Takeda and Johannes Waidner from HTWG Konstanz.


Learn how to build a smart data integration and accept the challenge of 1LIMS – an innovative start up from Switzerland led by Philipp Osterwalder CEO and data scientist.
This challenge is adressed to coders as well as to beginners and to those who are in general interested in devices in the local labs and data integration.


Phlipp Osterwalder (CEO and Data Scientist of 1LIMS): «I signed up for the BioLAGO Online Labautomation Hackathon to exchange ideas with like-minded people from different industries. Digitization and automation in the lab is a large and rapidly growing field and offers many opportunities for innovation. That’s why it’s even more exciting to look at the problems and needs from different angles and develop solutions with interdisciplinary and sometimes disruptive approaches. My motivation for the worksession is to address the difficulties of device and data integration and to define the daily encountered problems of the participants in order to build a practical prototype of a smart interface.»


Vetter Pharma Fertigung GmbH und Co. KG cover up different fields of lab automation. Processes that require complex information in execution while the hands are busy is a challenge many lab users have to face in their daily working life. Philipp Seitz is Process Manager Systems & Services and Volkmar Czerwinski is Head of QC Systems at Vetter. This working group include experienced programmers, automation specialists and well experienced scientists in the field of artificial intelligence.


Learn more about open standards and don´t miss the fantastic presentation of Daniel Juchli on connectivity and data standards (SiLA&AnIML)
Please note that this event will be recorded.

Kindly contact us in case of any questions.


Bild 1: The dexterous robot hand of Shadow Robot Ltd ©Shadow Robot Ltd
Bild 2: Mobile Robotics at takeda ©takeda


BioLAGO – das Gesundheitsnetzwerk
Jamin Bouras B.A.
Byk-Gulden-Str. 2
78467 Konstanz
Tel.: +49 7531 92 15 25 -0

