





in the network

We are BioLAGO

BioLAGO is the largest cross-border health network in the four-country region of Lake Constance (Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein). The network links business and science for innovation and addresses the high-tech sectors of the healthcare industry: medical technology, diagnostics, bioinformatics and pharmaceuticals including personalised medicine, often referred to as the 4Ds of medicine: Devices, Diagnostics, Data, Drugs & Therapy.

As a central contact point for the regional healthcare industry, BioLAGO actively promotes knowledge transfer and the establishment of new companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises, universities, research institutes, clinics, laboratories and large companies work together at eye level in the BioLAGO health network to jointly develop innovations in the field of health.

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BioLAGO offers

BioLAGO stands for cross-border cooperations and the networking of corporate competences. Within BioLAGO health experts come together around Lake Constance and beyond. BioLAGO actively supports its members through an industry-focused range of services such as training courses and conferences, expert initiatives, knowledge and technology transfer, consulting and marketing. In this way, the innovative strength of the region is proactively promoted. One of the network's cornerstones are innovative projects based to the needs of its members. BioLAGO develops solutions for important future issues in the health industry and thus makes an important contribution to the health care of tomorrow.

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BioLAGO-members about BioLAGO

"The VIVIT Institute is among the leaders in the field of vascular research in Europe. Through BioLAGO, we keep getting new impulses from research and industry."

Axel Mündlein
Laboratory Manager
VIVIT Vorarlberg

"Whether for press work or trade fairs - BioLAGO acts as an EXTENDED ARM of our public relations!"

Dr. Reinhold Horlacher
Managing Director
Trenzyme GmbH

“Whether in IT, law or financing - through events like BioLAGO academy we achieve new solutions".

Otto Knes
Managing Director
SwissAnalysis AG

"With its various campaigns to recruit skilled workers, BioLAGO supports us in attracting employees and trainees."

Peter Sölkner
Managing Director
Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG

Become a member of BioLAGO

BioLAGO has been active as an international network for the healthcare industry at Lake Constance since 2007. The network brings together 145 health experts around Lake Constance and beyond who are committed working together to bring innovation to healthcare.
BioLAGO members benefit from an exclusive range of services to ensure long-term success in research and development, such as sector-focused training and conferences, expert initiatives, knowledge and technology transfer, consulting and marketing. Become part of the BioLAGO family!

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