Great interest in the bioSASH#3 hackathon series!

D-Konstanz | Great interest in the bioSASH#3 hackathon series! More than ever, the connectivity of data and software standards are essential for different tasks in the lab environment, therefore SILA & AnlML standards were in the focus of the bioSASH hackathons which took place from 3rd of March to 17th of March 2022.

BioLAGO in cooperation with SiLA hosted succesfully three online lab automation hackathons in the series of March with three different lab challenges. A total number of 80 participants attended the events. The bioSASH#3 hackathons included ten keynote speakers and many different working groups who worked together on the lab of the future using the open standards of SiLA and AnIML.

The bioSASH#3 hackathon offered lab users the opportunity to meet with a group of automation experts to discuss and to work on tough challenges in the lab. BioLAGO and SiLA invited hereto pharmaceutical companies as Vetter Pharma Fertigung GmbH und Co. KG., Takeda, innovative start ups as 1LIMS and many experts from different fields and industries like Mr. Andrew Mitchell who is Data and Standardization Manger of Unilever and introduced the role of SiLA and AnIML in the Unilever lab of the future vision.

This time we also registered great interest from universities who contributed actively in the bioSASH project in both in the working sessions but also in the keynote speaker sessions.

One of them is Lukas Bromig. He is doctorate student at Technical University of Munich. Lukas led a working group in the very first bioSASH hackathon. In the last bioSASH#3 hackathon Lukas presented the topic “An IoT platform for lab automation”. Lukas explained how software platforms build on open standards can help to solve problems ranging from device integration to workflow execution and data management by leveraging IoT technology in the service-oriented lab of the future.

We interviewed Lukas Bromig who is a very active part of the bioSASH project:

Lukas Bromig, PhD Student at Technische Universität München ©Lukas Bromig (LinkedIn)

„I studied chemical engineering at TUM with a special focus on bioprocess engineering. Now I´m a doctorate student at TUM at the Chair of Biochemical Engineering and I work on the project „Digitization in Industrial Biotechnology“ (BMBF grant). Back in 2019 I started actively contributing to the SiLA 2 community and I´ve written quite a few SiLA 2 drivers for our lab since then. My work mainly focusses on lab automation software, soft sensors, and scheduling problems but I do practical work in the lab as well. If you´re keen to get in touch feel free to contact me via e-mail or find me on LinkedIn (

What did you particularly like about the bioSASH hackathon and the bioSASH project in general?
Lukas Bromig: „I like the way how bioSASH brings together people with different professional backgrounds. Exchanging experiences, use cases, and opinions on the lab of the future is a valuable step forward.”

Why is standardization in lab automation for you so important and why is the bioSASH project helpful to achieve progress in lab automation?
Lukas Bromig: „Device integration without a common standard is a pain that costs time and money. Using standardized device drivers means there is just one less thing to worry about and that helps me to achieve my goals faster. Getting a lot of industry and application feedback through projects like bioSASH is important to identify potential problem areas of the standard, maybe find generalizable solutions or even synergies between participants.”

Do you think SiLA/AnIML is the best open source solution and if yes why?
Lukas Bromig: „SiLA 2 is the best standard there currently is and I hope more and more and companies and hardware vendors will embrace it in the future.“

What were your motivations for participating in the hackathon?
Lukas Bromig: „I wanted to learn more about the challenges other people are facing in automation and how they choose to solve them. Knowing about what is out there is key to making an informed decision and, as part of my work at TUM, I’m trying to figure out common design patterns in the lab automation and digitization world.”



Lukas Bromig
PhD Student at Technische Universität München
Profil LinkedIn

Author of this blog post

Jamin Bouras
Project Manager bioSASH
+49 (0)7531 – 921525 1

Project Partner

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