BioLAGO hosted succesful second bioSASH online hackathon

D-Konstanz I On October 14, 2021, BioLAGO in cooperation with SiLA hosted the second lab automation hackathon with great success.

The up-and-coming Swiss start-up 1LIMS achieved the ambitious goal of integrating the Edge SiLA Gateway into 1LIMS and was presented to all hackathon participants in a short demo. Britains longest running robot company Shadow Robot Ltd. presented the dexterous robot hand for critical lab tasks. Takeda in cooperation with HTWG Konstanz and 8-BOT gave an extensive introduction to mobile robotics. A comprehensive overview of the broad set of technologies was provided that constitute mobile robotics and included motion models, perception, navigation and mapping.

Moreover a group of automation experts met with lab users to discuss various challenges in the lab and to work on initial approaches to solutions. BioLAGO and SiLA invited hereto pharmaceutical companies as well as high professional hardware and software specialists, experienced progammers, scientists in the field of artificial itelligence and students.  More than 45 participants got involved and played an active role in the different working groups of the second bioSASH hackathon.




Are you interested in participating in the next hackathon? The upcoming dates and topics are as follows:

  • 2022-03-03 - Devices in the local lab and LIMS in the cloud - how to build a smart data integration!
  • 2022-03-10 - Mobile Robotics/Laboratory Automation Plug & Play with SiLA
  • 2022-03-17 Processes that require complex information in execution while the hands are busy –(approaches to solutions in the fields of microbiology, chemical analysis and packaging examination.)

Further information and registration to the next hackathons: HERE


Participant Dr. Izabela Noll says: „BioSASH was my first hackathon. Since the workshop was virtual it was easier for me to plan it and participate on the short term notice. I think that it was also possible to extend the number of participants. More people and people from different backgrounds joined the event. My expectation was to learn directly from the personnel working in the pharmaceutical industry how they deal with steadily appearing requirements (regulations) and innovation. It is challenging to adapt routinely running and validated processes. During our workshop I have got very good insights about the manufacturing workflow and rationale beyond the need of improvement. The goal is to implement in the production process more advanced adjustments to the high volume production, improve performance and reducing human – and workflow – prone failures as well as increase the rate of their detection."

Dr. Izabela Noll holds Master degree in Biotechnology and PhD in Molecular Genetics. Due to her roles across diverse industries, she became experienced professional for Life Science, Pharma, Clinical Diagnostics and Bioprocessing with the applicative knowledge on reagents, consumables, equipment, and robotics.

Johannes Waidner, Laboratory Engineer, HTWG Konstanz – University makes the following statement about the hackathon:

„The online event was an excellent opportunity to engage in an exciting and varied discussion. Furthermore it has led to contacts from which both sides can benefit.“

Dr Velimir Meded, computational physicist, nanotechnology expert. Head of Materials Science (HS Analysis) rates the hackathon very positively:
"The BioSASH event is a great opportunity to create new business contacts in pharmaceutical industry, everything from software, over hardware and service providers to manufacturers and producers. However, the concept of hackathon means that we all meet to address a given topic, or set of topics. Thereby everybody is welcome to display their own strengths and understanding within given scope making the discussion rather focused and productive.
This is an excellent opportunity to see which oft he current issues within pharmaceutical sector the organisers and the BioLAGO community would like to adressed within this hackathon framework. This year´s topic, automation aspects oft he production of pharmaceutical substances, presented by Volkmar Czerwinski from Vetter Pharma, aligns well with the interests and exertise of HS Analysis. It was great to see how combination of automation/robots/hardware (Dr. Izabela Noll), digital standards (Burkhard Schäfer, AnIML) and artificial intelligence (Dr. Velimir Meded, Valentin Haas, Sergey Biniaminov, HS Analysis) could outline a structured and well defined way forward. The potential benefits of a systematic and transparent process workflow with well defined human and/or machine tasks and interfaces are impressive.  Many thanks to BioLAGO, the organiser, for their initiative. We would be more than delighted to see more of such events. Finally, we would like to thank Jamin Bouras for investing much of his personal energy in the project as well as expertly moderating the discussions."

Author of the blog post

Jamin Bouras
Project Manager BioSASH
+49 (0)7531 – 921525 1

Project Partner


Kommentar von Eva Botzenhart-Eggstein |

Many thanks to SiLA and all the participants of the hackathon. BioLAGO looks forward to your continued participation, input and expertise. Together we want to lead laboratory automation into the future!

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