Diagnostics Devices Drugs & Therapy Data


Ensuring stable health care presents us with many challenges: an increasingly older population, fewer and fewer doctors in rural areas and, last but not least, the increase in chronic diseases in older age, such as dementia, circulatory and joint diseases. The Telemedical Care Centre (TMVZ), which is coordinated by BioLAGO, creates new solutions with the help of digital tools.

The first telemedical care centre on Lake Constance is to be established in the municipality of Steißlingen in the district of Constance. The first health parameter to be monitored is high blood pressure, one of the most common causes of death in Germany after cancer. In the future, the project will be expanded to include other health parameters. The telemedical care centre is coordinated by BioLAGO, as a direct result of the predecessor project DigiCare, in which an action programme for the implementation of telemedical instruments in the Lake Constance region was developed.

The primary target group of the digital care centre is initially older people aged 65 and over who live in their home environment. After successful implementation in Steißlingen, the telemedical care centre is to serve as a model for cross-county and cross-state telemedical care centres. The aim is to establish the telemedical care centre (TMVZ) in Steißlingen as a pilot and lighthouse project for the four-country region of Lake Constance in order to generate new standards for the healthcare system of the future.

Profile of the emerging TMVZ in Steißlingen
The "Health House" in Steißlingen is currently under construction and will be completed in summer 2022. A meeting café will be integrated into the lower part of the health house, where information events, training courses and the exchange of patients' experiences can take place as part of the project. The upper part will house a supportive GP practice. Project partners from the field of software development are on board as well as supporters from politics and administration, such as Benjamin Mors, Mayor of Steißlingen.

Advantages and goals

With the implementation of telemedical instruments, it is possible to compensate for the increasing shortage of doctors with digital services, which is a great improvement in health care, especially in rural areas. The telemedical care centre ensures regular care for patients in the long term while drastically reducing routine checks (blood pressure, pulse and blood sugar measurement, etc.). This means a high time saving due to fewer administrative tasks for doctors, who thus gain more time for acute patients.


Carlos Lange-Prollius

Projekt Manager

Tel.: +49 (0)7531 71409 17
E-Mail: carlos.lange@biolago.org