Diagnostics Devices Drugs & Therapy Data

DIGInostik (ZIM Innovation Network)

In spring 2020, the "DIGInostik" innovation network for the development of improved diagnostic solutions with digital technologies was launched in the ZIM programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). It is coordinated by the international health network BioLAGO e.V. at Lake Constance. Become a member of this competence network of business, science and clinics and put your company on course for growth!

In the ZIM network DIGInostik, innovative diagnostic solutions are developed with the help of digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI), which optimise the entire process from diagnostics to individual therapy and health care. The network brings together users (doctors, patients, clinics and laboratories) with developers and providers from industry and science. The DIGInostik network emerged from the BioLAGO project "DiagNET- Diagnostics of the Future".

By linking research, development, production and application, the network strengthens the innovative power and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Close cooperation with research institutions promotes the development of new technologies. This results in innovative diagnostic solutions with digital support that sustainably improve health care and open up new fields of application for the project partners.

Since its start, 12 projects (research and development) with a total volume of 14.5 million € have been submitted to federal and state funding programs (e.g. ZIM, kmu:innovativ, investBW). Five projects have already been approved: LARS, ChemDAT, IDOL (press releases only in German), DiWoBS and a project for digital analyzation of resistence to antibiotics.

Main focus

  • Infection diagnostics, detection of multi-resistant pathogens and antibiotic therapy monitoring
  • Digitally supported individual cancer therapy for improved planning, documentation and prognosis
  • Digital diagnostic assistance for the evaluation of large amounts of data and patient-oriented diagnostics with sensors and apps
  • Automated sample processing, recording and evaluation of medical measurement data

The network

The innovation network "DIGInostik" unites players along the entire "diagnostics" value chain - doctors, clinics, laboratories, companies and research institutions from diagnostics, IT and, medicine (technology).


Company Typ Competences
celsius37.com AG Company Web-based solutions for healthcare (e.g. for tumor documentation and evaluation (tumor board)
DIALUNOX AG Company Biosensors, Microfluid Chips, Point-Of-Care, DNA Analysis, DNA Quantification
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, BG clinic - Siegfried Weller Institut Hospital Diagnostik und Therapie von: Stoffwechselerkrankungen (u.a. Diabetes), Infektionen, Stammzellforschung
Fraunhofer IGB Research Research and development in Molecular Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine. Detection of multidrug-resistant pathogens and for differentiation of viral and bacterial (fungal) infectious diseases.
Genome Identification Diagnostics GmbH Company Development and production of in vitro diagnostics (assay) and image analysis equipment for microbiology, virology, immunology and human genetics
HB Technologies AG Company Software development / AI in health and life science, digital diagnostics
Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen Research Point-of-care analytics, protein analytics, assay systems, laboratory automation and biomedical technology
HS Analysis GmbH Company IT for imaging + molecular analysis of diagnostic data / AI / Deep Learning / Digital Microscopy
ibidi GmbH Company functional cell-based assays and advanced products for cellular microscopy
Karlsruher Institut for Technology (KIT) Research Development of diagnost. Assays and microfluidic systems (lab-on-a-chip) for on-site diagnostics as well as digital, artificially intelligent tools for disease detection
Labor Dr. Brunner Company Laboratory Medicine & Routine Medical Diagnostics
Massive Photonics GmbH Company dye-labeled DNA strands for super-resolution microscopy
medicalvalues GmbH Company Digital Diagnostics, AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, Integrative Diagnostics
MiProbes Biotechnologies UG Company Diagnostics of pathogens, strain engineering, biosensors
MPS Planungssysteme GmbH
Company Software for therapy planning based on diagnosis
MVZ Labor Ravensburg Company Laboratory Medicine & Routine Medical Diagnostics
NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen Research Biomarker research - for early diagnostics and efficient drug discovery, drug development support to elucidate drug effects, bioanalytics, development of new in vitro and in vivo assay systems.
Schwarzwald-Baar Klinikum – Clinic for Internal Medicine II Hospital Diagnosis and therapy of: malignant tumor diseases (oncology), diseases of the blood and bone marrow (hematology), palliative medical treatment as well as immunological and infectious diseases
ucura Deutschland GmbH / DeinePflege.de Company AI solutions and software for carework
Uniklinik Freiburg – Clinic for Internal Medicine / for Tumor Biology Hospital Research/treatment of cancer, chemotherapy management and process optimization, documentation by means of software
Uniklinik Ulm – Institute for Clinical and Experimental Trauma Immunology Hospital Diagnosis and therapy of: Sepsis, Polytrauma, Shock Multiorgan Failure, Complement & Neutrophils
Vireq Software Solutions GmbH & Co. KG Company Medical informatics, diagnostics, clinical communication servers, e-health applications, data

Become a partner!

Further project partners from business, science and clinics are welcome in the "DIGInostik" network.
Your advantages:

  • Active support by BioLAGO as a network hub, e.g.
  • Partner search/mediation
  • Technical evaluation/ concretisation of projects
  • Research, e.g. market, property rights, IVDR/MDR - by involving experts with funding applications
  • communication/marketing
  • Higher funding opportunities
  • New contacts and thus a wider circle of professional colleagues (direct communication!)
  • Information advantage, e.g. current "needs" from clinics and laboratories
  • Technology transfer within and across networks (new market potential)



Michael Statnik

M.A. Project Manager

Tel.: +49 (0)7531 – 71409 12

Bettina Baumann

Dipl. Biol.

Tel: +49 (0)7531 – 71409 14


The project "DIGInostik: Digital Diagnostics for Individualised Therapy” is funded for three years by the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag. The project results should also be transferable to other regions. Even after the end of the project, the innovation network will continue to work and promote the development, testing and application of new digital solutions for diagnostics.