
Universitätsklinikum Ulm (ITI)

The Institute of Clinical and Experimental Trauma Immunology (ITI) focuses on clinical and experimental research in the fields shock with a special interest on sepsis, severe injuries (polytrauma), and multi organ dysfunction.

A major interest is the development and validation of innovative surgical and immunological treatment concepts for patients with shock to improve cellular and organ function.

From bed-side, to bench, and back to bed-side. Following this motto, clinical and scientific research gaps are identified and thoroughly investigated. In cooperation with local, national, and international experts of industry, clinical, and science, the ITI develops solutions that are initially validated in relevant model systems and then translated for the benefit of the patients.


Sepsis, polytrauma, shock, immunology; transnational research


Helmholtzstraße 8/1
DE-89081 Ulm