
Kompetenzzentrum Obstbau-Bodensee (KOB)

As a foundation under private law for the promotion of fruit growing in the Lake Constance region, the Kompetenzzentrum Obstbau Bodensee (KOB) takes on tasks between science and practice.

One of the focal points of the KOB is the department "Development and Application of Molecular Genetic Methods" and deals with the determination of fruit varieties, among other things with the help of microsatellite markers (simple sequence repeat) as well as with marker-assisted selection and breeding (MAS).

Furthermore, investigations are carried out on gene expression in fruits (real-time PCR). The department of "Yield Physiology" covers basic and application-oriented topics in fruit cultivation. The main focus is on cultivation issues such as the regulation of hangings and growth, but also the stabilisation and promotion of fruit set in fruit species.

The work area "Harvest, Storage and Fruit Quality" focuses on procedures for fruit ripeness, harvest determination and quality maintenance. Topics such as the causes of physiological fruit diseases and the effect of modern storage methods on the health and taste value of the fruit are dealt with.

The "Plant Protection" department deals with questions of maintaining the health of commercial orchards, while the "Organic Fruit Production" department deals with research questions on plant pests and the further development of organic cultivation methods.

Currently, the KOB employs more than 50 people.


Plant protection, genetics, fruit cultivation, variety determination, plant phsiology


Schuhmacherhof 6
DE-88213 Ravensburg-Bavendorf

Phone: +49 (0)751 - 790 30
Fax: +49 (0) 751 - 790 33 22
Web: www.kob-bavendorf.de