
Kammerer Medical Group

The Kammerer Medical Group is an association of companies specializing in the development and manufacture of high-quality, innovative surgical instruments (Class Ir and II), offering forward-looking services for design transfers and approvals.

Based on an in-house, state-of-the-art database solution for fully digitalized, ISO 13485-certified quality management, Kammerer Medical Group enables fast and efficient processes. This solution is also offered as SaaS for third parties. The creation of Device Master File and Device History Record for each instrument is done with one click, which greatly facilitates the cooperation with regulatory authorities.

In addition, Kammerer Medical Group performs cleaning validations, biocompatibility testing and durability research, among other services, and shares the results with its customers.

The Weber Softgrip process permanently bonds the silicone of an instrument handle to stainless steel without gaps, ensuring a long service life - even over hundreds of reprocessing cycles. The Kammerer Medical Group is also able to supply instruments with biosafety embedded RFID tags that meet the requirements of modern medical technology.

With the move into the new production and office building in Stockach, the Kammerer Medical Group demonstrates its willingness to expand and invest as well as its commitment to Germany as a business location.


Supplier surgical instruments and instrument sets, MDR-compliant manufacturing documentation also as software as a service for third parties


Im Saegenloh 3
DE-78333 Stockach

Phone: +49 7771 6 4711 0