
Institut für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin und Immungenetik Ulm

The Institute for Clinical Transfusion Medicine and Immunogenetics Ulm gGmbH fulfils tasks in research and teaching in the field of transfusion medicine.

With the help of its more than 300 employees, the IKT Ulm ensures the supply of blood products, transfusion medicine and cell therapy services to Ulm University Hospital and other institutions. This also includes the provision of laboratory diagnostic and molecular biology services. The IKT develops and produces safe blood products, stem cell and innovative cell therapy preparations in its research and development laboratories and makes them available to clinics for patient treatment.

The non-profit limited company (IKT Ulm gGmbH) is a joint venture and at the same time a non-profit company of the DRK-Blutspendedienst Baden-Württemberg - Hessen gGmbH and the University Hospital Ulm on the campus of Science Park II in Ulm.

The Ulm Institute is a location of the DRK Blood Donation Service Baden-Württemberg - Hessen. Since 2002, it has been headed by Prof Hubert Schrezenmeier, MD, who is also Professor of Transfusion Medicine at the University of Ulm.


Research and teaching in the field of transfusion medicine, services relating to blood products, transfusion medicine and cell therapy


Helmholtzstraße 10
DE-89081 Ulm

Phone: 0731 150-0
Web: www.blutspende.de