Mission & Vision

BioLAGO is the network for the regional health industry. BioLAGO brings together experts from the high-tech sectors: Medical technology, diagnostics, bioinformatics and pharmaceuticals including personalised medicine, often referred to as the 4Ds of medicine: Devices, Diagnostics, Data, Drugs & Therapy.

International cluster for cross-border success in the healthcare industry
The research and development achievements of BioLAGO members are used worldwide to make the healthcare of the future better. For example, BioLAGO represents about 140 members who together provide about 26,000 highly qualified jobs in hospitals, laboratories and regional healthcare companies.

BioLAGO represents small and medium-sized healthcare companies, universities, clinics, laboratories and large companies, which work together as equals in the network and are actively supported by the BioLAGO office with a wide range of services. BioLAGO sees itself as a driving force for progress and innovation. With its office in Constance on Lake Constance, BioLAGO e.V. has been set up as an international cluster since its foundation in 2007 and today represents members from Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland as well as Ireland, Great Britain and Spain. BioLAGO stands for cross-border cooperation and the networking of corporate competences. BioLAGO is an cooperation platform for science and industry, through which new technologies are brought forth and highly qualified jobs are secured or created.

Knowledge transfer and cooperation for innovation
In today's global competition, precise networking and the expansion of a knowledge advantage are more important than ever. BioLAGO shows the way here. We are convinced that successful innovations can only come about through targeted cooperation and up-to-date knowledge transfer. That is why BioLAGO offers a sector-focused platform for dialogue and exchange. The network managers are in close contact with the members on a daily basis and can thus initiate quick and demand-oriented measures to improve their economic efficiency and innovative strength. At BioLAGO, this is done, for example, by quickly and personally establishing contacts with suitable partners from research and development, as well as by providing advice, regular training offers, marketing and expert support, and demand-oriented (networking) projects.

Need-oriented innovation projects for the region
One of the cornerstones of the association are innovative health projects, oriented towards the needs of the members and the health care system. BioLAGO develops solutions for important future issues in the region. One focus is the implementation of digitalization and artificial intelligence for the smart healthcare of tomorrow.

You too can become a member of the largest healthcare network on Lake Constance. Use BioLAGO and find the right cooperation partners here to realize your goals. We look forward to welcoming you with us.

Members of the Board

Prof. Martin Elmlinger

Chairman of the board

ME PharmaConsult GmbH

Dr. Jürgen Ruff

Vice Chairman


Prof. David Drissner

Vice Chairman

Professor Faculty of Life Sciences
Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen

Prof. Klaus P. Schäfer

Honorary Chairman

BP-Consulting & Teaching

Dr. Markus Wieland

Member of the board

Director DS Vaccine Production
Takeda GmbH

Dr. Simone Brunner

Member of the board

Labor Dr. Brunner

Dr. K. Hermuth-Kleinschmidt

Member of the board

Consultant | CEO
NIUB-Sustainability consulting

Dr. Bettina Müller

Member of the board

wiwoco GmbH

Prof. Jan Harder

Member of the board

Head of Cancer Centre
Gesundheitsverbund LK Konstanz

Dr. Oliver Nolte

Member of the board

Department Head
Institute for Medical
Microbiology Zurich

BioLAGO services


Knowledge transfer is the key to innovative action and brings together stakeholders from research and development across borders. The BioLAGO events provide a space for exchange and getting to know each other, impart important expertise from the fields of diagnostics, devices, drugs and data, and also offer insights into exciting related disciplines such as artificial intelligence and digitalisation.

Current events


Your content is important to us! In our news section as well as our monthly newsletter, we disseminate the news of our members so that it reaches a targeted audience from research and development. BioLAGO supports every member by regularly bringing in sector-relevant information from the healthcare industry and sharing the latest developments from science and business.

Current news


More than 140 experts from the high-tech fields of diagnostics, devices, drugs and data are united in the BioLAGO health network and work together with dedicated commitment. In global competition, companies are forced to continuously produce innovations. We are convinced, that cooperations with universities and research institutions, other companies, clinics and laboratories are indispensable for this.

Learn more


The BioLAGO office always has an open ear for your concerns! Are you looking for the right partner from research and development to implement your goals? Contact us. We will be happy to advise you and bring you together with the right players to realise your goals. Furthermore, we provide tips on funding and financing opportunities and help with the settlement of new companies.

Contact us


The BioLAGO health network launches successful innovation projects that are aligned according to the needs of the members. The members are strengthened by the BioLAGO projects by opening up new opportunities for cooperation (also internationally), which can result in innovative high-tech products, new procedures and therapies that can sustainably improve healthcare in the entire Lake Constance region and beyond.

Learn more

Human Resources

BioLAGO wants to play a positive role in shaping the healthcare of tomorrow. New solutions in research and development require highly qualified and motivated personnel so that new therapies and innovative products can emerge. BioLAGO therefore offers all members the chance to advertise their job vacancies on the network's job portal and in the monthly newsletter.

Current jobs in the network